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How to financially support refugees from Ukraine?

How to financially support refugees from Ukraine?

As the world watches in horror and disbelief at Russian aggression upon Ukraine, one question still remains: How do we help? Where to donate if you want to assist refugees and people from Ukraine? A donation to the Lublin Commune to help refugees from Ukraine can be transferred to the City of Lublin bank account Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A.

For overseas transfers, please provide the BIC (SWIFT) code: PKOPPLPW PL62 1240 1503 1111 0010 0125 3660

For domestic transfers: 62 1240 1503 1111 0010 0125 3660

Subject payment: darowizna na pomoc uchodźcom z Ukrainy (donation to help refugees from Ukraine)

Payments can be transferred in PLN and in a foreign currency.

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