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Lublin Coronavirus Update, April 7 2020

Lublin Coronavirus Update, April 7 2020

COVID-19 Update:

  • 119 new cases reported in Poland
  • 10 new cases in Lublin Region
  • 4532 people infected in total
  • 111 deaths in total

Useful information:

Online medical services – check out available options!

Consult a GP by phone, receive an e-prescription, get access to medical information as parent or carer.

Get the teleadvice!

A number of medical centres have introduced teleadvice - consultation with a doctor by phone or via the Internet. If your clinic does not offer this service, you are free to use the different one.

The list of medical centres that provide teleadvice.

How to deal with an employee who wants to return to work after coming from abroad:

  • inform her/him of the necessity of 14-day quarantine,
  • recommend to the employee to check his/her health (body temperature, caugh),
  • inform her/his that in case of symptoms, he/she should contact with doctor or sanitary epidemiological station.



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