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Lublin scores the highest in the report of green cities

Lublin scores the highest in the report of green cities

The ranking of 66 Polish cities with district rights was presented at the Europolis conference on 15 June. Lublin won the blue ribbon in the Europolis report - green cities prepared by the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation.

Lublin strives to achieve sustainable development on the social, economic and environmental levels. The ranking results and the highest score of Lublin plainly indicate that line of actions we enter upon really improve the quality of environment and life of inhabitants. Lublin has been recognized as the city actively aiming to "become green" - says Krzysztof Żuk, Mayor of Lublin.

Lublin performed strongly in categories as public health, public transport and air quality measures. Undoubtedly, component that identifies Lublin is constantly developing network of trolleybuses (trolleybuses make the rounds in only three Polish cities – Lublin, Gdynia and Tychy).

The main assumption of Europolis report - green cities. Polish cities for the climate, environment and health of their inhabitants is the belief that cities play an extremely key and decisive role in the field of climate and environmental protection and in the conversion aimed at achieving climate neutrality. The report is based on 5 indicators: individual electric transport, public transport, air quality measures, local community and public health.

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