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Lubliner Reunion 2023

Lubliner Reunion 2023

From July 2–7, 2023, the Grodzka Gate–NN Theater Center is organizing a Lubliner Reunion. It will be the third international meeting of the Jewish inhabitants of the city and their descendants. The first took place in 1947. During the next one, in 2017—also held on the initiative of Brama Grodzka – Teatr NN—over 250 participants from all over the world gathered. The Lubliner Reunion is a continuation of the Center's efforts to create a bond between the descendants of Lublin's former Jewish inhabitants and the modern city. It is also a chance to discover new sources and information about its history.

The Reunion programme will include meetings devoted to the history and culture of Jewish Lublin, genealogical workshops, thematic walks, commemorations, sharing of personal stories, artistic events and joint exploration of the city and the region. Guests will have the opportunity to learn about the history of and contemporary life in Lublin, visit the former Jewish districts and meet people who bring the memory of the former community to new generations on a daily basis. Lubliners will be able to visit Lublin’s most important cultural institutions. There will be excursions to Zamość, Bełżec and Włodawa. The Opening Ceremony of the Reunion will take place on July 2, 2023.

The leitmotif of the meeting will be sharing stories and creating a common Story about the City. For several hundred years, Jews were associated with Lublin and played a large role in shaping its identity. The history of Lublin cannot be told without the history of the Jews who lived here. In 2017, descendants of those Jews were able to meet Poles who currently live in their ancestral city and to jointly experience their shared history. In 2023 we hope to expand the bridges that were built in 2017 and foster the connections between those who live here now and those whose ancestors once walked on Lublin’s streets. It is through personal connections and storytelling that we connect as people. 

The 2017 Lubliner Reunion met with a positive response from Jewish communities around the world. The event planned for 2023 has already met with great interest; the Grodzka Gate has received inquiries regarding the participation from Israel, the United States, Canada, France, Great Britain, Australia and Mexico. We estimate that the next meeting will bring over 300 people from abroad. The Lubliner Reunion will do much to contribute to the promotion of Lublin and the region around the world.

All events will be free and open to city residents as well as Lubliners.


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