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Oleh Kuts is the new Consul General of Ukraine in Lublin

Oleh Kuts is the new Consul General of Ukraine in Lublin

Mr. Oleh Kuts has been appointed as the new Consul General of Ukraine in Lublin, succeeding Mr. Artem Valah, who completed his mission in Lublin.

Mr. Oleh Kuts assumed his new position on April 11.

Mr. Kuts comes from Lviv. He studied International Relations at Ivan Franko’s University in Lviv. Throughout his career, he has held various prestigious positions, including Head of Crisis Centre of Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and subsequently, as Chargé d'Affaires of the Ukrainian Embassy in Poland.

Congratulations to Mr. Oleh Kuts on his appointment as the new Consul General of Ukraine in Lublin! We wish him success and fruitful work on his new position.

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