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The Jagiellonian Fair in Lublin - 20-22 August 2021

The Jagiellonian Fair in Lublin - 20-22 August 2021

The Jagiellonian Fair is a festival of traditional culture presented in its many forms from folk art through music, song, dance as well as ludic activities for education and learning. The festival refers to Lublin fairs dating back to the 15th century. Back then, trade routes running through Lublin brought to our city many travellers, nomads and traders. For that reason, the festival is called the Jagiellonian Fair. The audience discovers their past and modern manifestations through singing, dancing, exhibitions, workshops and traditional music. The return is to the archaic, yet, the simplest forms of spending time together, to the forgotten things: face to face encounters.

Between 20-22 August 2021, the Old Town will be filled up with traditional music and crafts for the 15th time. Artists from Poland will present their arts and encourage us to participate in concerts, workshops, discussions and exhibitions.

Theme – traditional instruments

15th edition will focus on traditional instruments. They accompanied many family events, rituals and celebrations. This year visitors will be familiarised with these topics, including making instruments. Instrument-making is an extraordinary, traditional craft that requires comprehensive knowledge and a long-term experience. It is a very long process that requires constant speed and time. The Jagiellonian Fair 2021 will create an opportunity to have a look at folk instruments from Poland and other parts of the world, all made by craftsmen working in Poland.
At the Crafts Fair, you will be able to purchase instruments made by masters who will also share their knowledge and skills during workshops focused on making or playing various instruments. Exhibitions, panel discussions and stage plays focused or inspired by the topic will also introduce selected regional traditions. This year, the Organisers will also highlight the role of women in traditional culture: not only the related cultural stereotypes, but also their daily duties. The youngest festival attendees can also expect a number of other attractions. The Jagiellonian Fair Playground will expand offer to more fun activities, whereas delivered seminars will provide the visitors with many delightful hours.

See you all in August!

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