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Unveiling of the Memorial Plaque of Lublin Jews

Unveiling of the Memorial Plaque of Lublin Jews

On February 13 as part of the commemoration of 82 anniversary of the beginning of the "Operation Reinhardt" conducted by the German Nazi occupier, local authorities together with representatives of Jewish community unveiled a plaque on the wall of the City Hall commemorating thousands of Lublin Jews murdered during the Holocaust.
Operation Reinhardt was the codename of the secret German plan to exterminate Polish Jews in the General Government district of German-occupied Poland. The headquarters of the action was located in Lublin, and it was supervised by Odilo Globocnik – chief police and SS in Lublin region.

As a result of the action, almost the entire Lublin Jewish population was exterminated (approximately 1/3 of the total population of pre-war Lublin) and the area of the district inhabited by Jewish residents was completely demolished.

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