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" City is also your home" campaign

" City is also your home" campaign

 The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness among city dwellers regarding not clearing pets' droppings from public space by their owners.


As part of the campaign many unusual activities are planned in which the inhabitants of Lublin are welcome to engage. For the next two months the residents of Lublin will have an opportunity to see unusual installations within urban space, take part
in competitions and get hold of educational materials which can be found in the local press or at the housing estates. The aim of the campaign is to make the inhabitants overcome embarrassment and make them feel at ease cleaning up the droppings. Dirty homes are a disgrace in as much as dirty streets and after all our city is our common home.

At first, unusual installations will be placed throughout 24 locations in the city dwelling areas to make people aware home is also behind windows of their flats. Common space is the one which we should look after in the same manner as we look after our own place. The places where the installations will be located can be identified by observing the signs on the pavements. It is worthwhile to get there to receive “gifts” that can be sent or given to a neighbour to rise awareness of the need for caring of the common good.

During the campaign “City is also your home’’ various competitions will also take place. The owners of pets can show their support for the project by entering the photo contest via social media. For those who would like to be a part of the campaign but do not have pets or an account in social media, the “district” contest will be organised. All the details on competitions will be available soon at and on the fan page of the campaign Please, follow us also on Youtube and Instagram to find information about the campaign.

Apart from eliminating social barriers and building a sense of community among the residents of Lublin, the campaign has also an educational dimension. It is not common knowledge that dogs' droppings are not good fertilizers for grass because of the high content of ammonia and chlorides. Therefore, it is all the more important to clear the droppings away which does not pose any problem. A bag with dog's waste can be thrown to every bin for unsorted waste so there is no need to look for special bins. This and much more information that may be useful daily can be found on posters, leaflets, stickers, postcards and in social media where hashtag #miastodom marks the campaign.

“City is also your home’’ is a response to the expectations of the residents of Lublin. The project has been given a funding within civic budget of Lublin following a voting by city inhabitants. The types of activities within the campaign have been recommended by the students of School of Form in Poznań.

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