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Court of Arbitration officially opened in Lublin

Court of Arbitration officially opened in Lublin

The Lublin Court of Arbitration was officially put into operation on 5 November 2015, which was the next step in the development of the Lublin Arbitration and Mediation Centre created in 2014. The main aim of the Lublin Court of Arbitration is to settle commercial disputes (between the entrepreneurs from the southeastern Poland in particular) in the shortest time possible. Arbitrators, who are experts in the given field will participate in the proceedings, which will be confidential and much quicker than the ones initiated at a court of law.

Doctor Marcin Asłanowicz, Partner in the Wolf Theiss Law Office, is the President of the Lublin Arbitration Court and is in charge of the court disputes and arbitration department.

The Lublin Court of Arbitration is an independent institution which was founded by ADR Research Institute Fund “Prawo i Gospodarka” (Law and Economy) to provide an alternative to long and high-priced proceedings – says Marcin Asłanowicz, the President of the Lublin Court of Arbitration.

The court proceeding is initiated by bringing the monition to the arbitration, or the lawsuit which is to replace the monition, to the Lublin Court of Arbitration. A party should pay the registry fee accounting to 300 PLN as well as the arbitration fee which is dependent from the subject-matter of the dispute (and is much lower than the court fee for the lawsuit). The next step is to create the Adjudicating Panel. Parties can freely determine the number of Arbitrators and nominate the given person from the List of Arbitrators of the Lublin Court of Arbitration. Every Arbitrator is impartial and independent from the parties to the proceedings. The proceeding is initiated after the Adjudicating Panel is formed and is held in Lublin provided that the parties agree. The Panel settles the issues on the basis of substantive law or the principles of law established by the parties. It is possible to interrogate witnesses during the proceedings or to admit the evidence coming from experts' opinions. The Adjudicating Panel makes the award after its members reach the conclusion that the issue has been fully clarified and the parties have had the possibility to take a stance. The award should be made within 6 months since the initiation of the arbitration proceeding.

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