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European Festival of Taste 2014

European Festival of Taste 2014

There will also be concerts of the group Voo Voo with a firemen’s orchestra and Kayah & Transoriental Orchestra. The European Festival of Taste is an interdisciplinary project joining the multicultural taste of the Lublin region with music, exhibitions, cinema, theatre and poetry.

„Food is part of culture,” stress the organisers, and that is why Lublin citizens will feed both their stomachs and souls. We will taste specialities from seven European cities. The culinary journey entitled “Latające talerze” [Flying saucers] will lead through the cities with which Lublin Airport is connected. The organisers will prove once again that one can taste with the use of all their senses.

The festival is growing year by year. It will be held not in one place only, but in four different locations. It is no longer only about stands with food specialities from various countries, but also about field restaurants and foodtrucks. There will also be located a beer and cheese avenue.
“As always, the cooking shows will be held at Plac Po Farze. The motto of this year’s edition is ‘7 dishes for 700th anniversary of Lublin.’ Together with a group of historians, we will choose the most interesting dishes from each century. Our best cooks will prepare them on ‘Scena Smaku’ [Stage of taste] stage and then they will be included in the menus of seven Lublin restaurants,” says Waldemar Sulisz, festival’s director.

One will also have a chance to taste unique dishes originating from countries, with which Lublin is connected by air thanks to the cycle entitled “Latające talerze” [Flying saucers] or travel back in time due to the cycle called “Siedem wieków smaku” [Seven centuries of taste]. Cellars of the Crown Tribunal will be rearranged to house Renaissance wine bar.

“This year, the biggest stage will be erected on the premises of Perła Brewery at ul. Bernardyńska 15, on the same spot where there used to be a Theater on water “Rusałka” before the War. On Friday, 5th of September a group called Sztywny Pal Azji as well as a Cracow band Chluba will take to the stage. They will play pre-war hits like ‘Ta ostatnia niedziela’ [This is the last Sunday] with a punk twist,” says Sulisz

On Saturday, September 6th at 6.00 pm Kayah & Transoriental Orchestra will perform their gig and at 9:00 pm one can hear this year’s biggest music star, legendary Omega. “It is going to be an impressive production with a laser show and with a symphony orchestra,” - says the director of the festival. “Musicians are in the top form. We will hear hit songs like ‘Dziewczyna o perłowych włosach’ [The girl with the pearl hair] and other big hits,” continues Sulisz.

For more information and a detailed program of the event, please go to the European Festival of Taste website.

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