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Lublin focuses on cooperation of Lublin companies in the field of advanced aviation technology

Lublin focuses on cooperation of Lublin companies in the field of advanced aviation technology

The aviation industry is one of the key factors of the Polish economy having its ties with the Lublin Region that date back well in time. It was yet in 1920, the earliest in the independent Poland, that the production of Ansaldo A-1 Balilla and A-300 aircrafts started in Lublin under the Italian license. Lublin Region has been a home to different kinds of aviation activities such as aviation industry, air force i.e. including the training of staff for aviation as well as education facilities for non military personnel. Rich history, long-term experience and the goals set by the City of Lublin in accordance with the Lublin Development Strategy 2013-2020 concerning improvement of economic potential, were a trigger to create the Lublin Cluster for Modern Aviation Technology.
Aviation as a sector is well predisposed to develop clusters. It is one of the most innovative sectors of the economy. The wealth of resources spent on research and development of the Polish aviation companies ranks as one of the biggest in the world. That is why we are pleased with the fact that we succeeded in inspiring Lublin environment to cooperate. We are convinced that the activity of the cluster will bring about an improvement in competitiveness among business entities and the Lublin aviation sector itself will return to world’s league - says Krzysztof Żuk, the Mayor of Lublin City.

A cluster is a structure that facilitates the flow of information, fosters learning and stimulates innovation. It is considered to be the most advanced form of organisation of the production, which excels in competitiveness. The main aim of the Lublin Cluster for Advanced Aviation Technology is to increase innovation and strengthen the cooperation between its members. It will lead in turn to the improvement of competitiveness of all the companies partaking in the project.

I am convinced that creating an aviation cluster will contribute to the increase in innovation of companies operating within this project. It is not however the simple sum of individual entities, but rather a unique form of organisation of the production which had developed as a result of interaction and synergy. We invest in a new quality of cooperation between entrepreneurs that is based on, interdependence cooperation and trust – adds Krzysztof Hetman, the Marshal of the Lublin Region.

PZL-Świdnik has been appointed as a coordinator of the Lublin Cluster for Advanced Aviation Technology, the coordinator will undertake such activities as networking between members of the Cluster for the effective use of existing opportunities of development in terms of advanced technologies including the aviation industry through exchange of experiences and know-how as well as through developing the regional cooperation links.

This ambitious initiative to create an aviation cluster in the Lublin Region will also involve establishing of a scientific centre, which would be in the lead in Poland bringing together the industry, local governments, academics and the already existing business networks. We are pleased that PZL-Świdnik together with the city of Lublin and the Marshal's Office will be able to implement and mature this idea. Today's agreement is the first step on a long way and constitutes a chance for further cooperation with similar clusters already functioning in the European Union - says Nicola Blanco, the Managing Director of PZL-Świdnik.

PZL-Świdnik, successfully operating in the field of the aviation production for over 60 years, was an obvious choice for a coordinator of the Lublin Cluster for Advanced Aviation Technology. Thanks to the commitment of PZL-Świdnik, building of a cluster brand as a highly innovative environment, which supports the development of a modern economy in Lublin and in the Lublin Region will be fulfilled.

We are setting up this cluster to be able to better organize already existing cooperation between companies in the aviation industry in the Lublin Region - says Mieczysław Majewski, President of the Board of PZL-Świdnik.

The concept of the triple helix implies the participation of entities from the field of business, science and public administration in the cluster initiative. That is why in the further development of the Lublin Cluster for Advanced Aviation Technology, universities, scientific - research units, business environment institutions and enterprises from the Lublin Region will be invited to come on board. In the long run, we are not excluding broader, cross-regional and international cooperation.

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