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Open Day in DataArt Poland. Let's explore the world of IT!

Open Day in DataArt Poland. Let's explore the world of IT!

The branch of the American corporation DataArt Poland located in Lublin invites to the open day on 4 November at 5 p.m. It is an exceptional event since the corporation celebrates the first year of its existence in Poland.

The motto of the “Open Day” is “Let's explore the world of IT”. The students at IT faculties, pupils, enthusiasts and experienced programmers will take part in the event. The aim of the open day is to promote IT among young people and to show them how great an influence the friendly ecosystem of Lublin ICT sector has on the development of the ICT companies.

The willing ones will have an opportunity to broaden their minds and to get to know how the work by the international projects looks like during workshops conducted among others by the Project Managers and QA Engineers. Apart from that, the raffle with attractive prizes will be organised for the participants of the “Open Day”.

“Open Day” will take place on 4 November (from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.) in the DataArt Poland office, ul. Tomasza Zana 39a, the first floor. The participation in the “Open Day” is free of charge.

The strategic partner of the “Open Day” is Lubelska Wyżyna IT (ang. Lublin IT Upland – the project of Lublin City Office).

People who would like to take part in the “Open Day” are requested to complete the form which can be found at The number of places is limited.

About DataArt:

DataArt is the American corporation which specialises in consulting and outsourcing of IT services. The company was established in 1997 and for the time being employs over 1500 employees – professionals and young, very ambitious people. The Management Board of the company is located in New York and sales offices are situated in the United States, the United Kingdom and Switzerland.

The IT specialists work in software development centres which are located in Eastern Europe and Argentina. Our clients are investment funds, companies from tourism industry and medical sector, mobile and information technologies industry and media.

The branch of the DataArt has operated in Lublin since September 2014. The director of the software development centre is dr. eng. Jarosław Diatczyk, a researcher at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Lublin University of Technology and an expert of the European Commission within Horizon 2020 Programme.

The software development centre DataArt in Lublin employs nearly 100 highly qualified specialists. DataArt Poland is going not only to create new jobs but also to develop IT sector in the Lubelskie region and unite communities of IT specialists, students and the enthusiasts of information technologies.

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