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The Night will reveal the Force

The Night will reveal the Force

This year, the art will set free from the main axis of the city and visit more cozy venues in order to reveal magic backyards, empty streets, gates and secret passages of the Old Town for you. The organizers decided to make the Night of Culture a symbol of support for the appeal to the politicians to make them stop saving money on culture. In 2010, only 0.36% of the state budget will be spent on cultural activities. The appealers want this amount to be increased to 1%.

The Historic Architectural-Urban Agglomeration was awarded a Monument of History status by the decree of the President of Poland of April 25, 2007. This was a major event that emphasized the uniqueness of the cultural heritage that is present within this area. The monument of history status was first granted in 1994. Until this day, this distinction has been awarded to 37 historical sites and objects. They include buildings of unique material and non-material value and of major significance for the cultural heritage of our country.

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