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URBACT III European project: Waking up the sleeping giants

URBACT III European project: Waking up the sleeping giants

The City of Lublin was invited to join the URBACT III European project called "Waking up the sleeping giants" on 15 September 2015 which is organised within the thematic network Second Chance (2C).

The aims of the project are thematically and strictly linked with the revitalisation of huge and abandoned urban buildings, with the major focus on the post-industrial facilities. Challenges and issues which will be tackled during the works within the project are as follows: how to return the abandoned buildings to the city and how to make them places teeming with life by means of redeveloping them and making them serve other functions. The conference which took place in the Crown Tribunal on 4-5 November 2015 opened the first phase of the European project during which the participants from France, Italy, Germany, Slovenia and the United Kingdom singled out a given building, which would be subjected to conceptual work in the individual countries.


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