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Winter holidays with culture

Winter holidays with culture

Dzielnicowy Dom Kultury Bronowice [Bronowice Community Centre]
DDK Bronowice organises outings to cinema, Koziołek entertainment centre as well as wicker workshops and a mini carnival ball. All events will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. To get more information and sign up, please visit the website:

Dzielnicowy Dom Kultury “Węglin” [Węglin Community Centre]

Winter campaign “F2, czyli Fajne Ferie na Węglinie” [“F2 - Fun Free Time in Węglin district”] will take place in DDK “Węglin” on February 2-13 in the form of two sessions. Detailed information about the offer, registration rules and payments will be published on the website:

Dzielnicowy Dom Kultury “Czechów” [Czechów Community Centre] and Klub Osiedlowy “Miniatura” [“Miniatura” Residential Club]

The programme “Winter 2015 Campaign” includes theatre workshops, workshops about the city of Lublin, dance and music classes. The all-day classes will be organised for 80 children in DDK “Czechów”. There is also a possibility to take part in only one event, for example: film screening, performance, concert or exhibitions. We expect to create 5 groups. 30 children can participate at one time during classes organised by KO “Miniatura”. It is also possible to participate only in the programme scheduled for one week.

Dom Kultury “Kalinowszczyzna” [Kalinowszczyzna Community Centre]

Cultural activities will be conducted in the form of semi-camps under the name “Zima w mieście 2015” [“Winter in the City 2015”]. The classes will take place on February 2-13, Monday to Friday, from 9.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. Cultural activities are addressed to children at the age of 6-11. The minimum number of participants in the group is 40 students a day, maximum – 55 students a day. The activities will include outings to cinemas, theatres, museums, visits to educational centres for children as well as day-room classes, integrative games, competitions with prizes, video films screenings and art, dance, music and theatre workshops.

Dom Kultury “Skarpa” [Skarpa Community Centre]

The “Winter in the City 2015” Campaign in DK ”Skarpa” includes two weeks of classes for children aged 7-12. The programme includes i.a. games, sport tournaments, art classes, films screenings, walks around the city, outings to cinema and to the H. Ch. Andersen Theatre. Participating children should bring soft shoes to change into and lunch with them, as well as bus tickets for the trips to the city.

Dom Kultury Błonie Spółdzielni Mieszkaniowej “Czuby” [Czuby Community Centre]

The “Winter in the City 2015” campaign provides classes for children at the age of 7-15 will be organised on February 2-13. The classes will last from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The programme includes i.a. dance, theatre, photography, art and journalism workshops, as well as games, competitions and integrative games, sightseeing in the Old Town with a guide, outings to cinema and theatre, intergenerational workshops in a nursing home. Detailed information is available on the website:

Dom Kultury “Łęgi” [Łęgi Community Centre]
Winter holidays 2015 in DK „Łęgi” will be like a fairytale. During this time the classes and animation activities will be organised for school-aged children and youth and will last from 9.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. Apart from standard workshops, the programme provides doll workshops, tales showings and readings, making-up tales, games in English, outings to cinema, to the H. Ch. Andersen Theatre and to Magic Park. Every day, save Friday, children should bring two bus tickets, shoes to change and lunch. More information is available on the website:

Cultural Workshops
Not only children, but also adults are invited to take part in a range of artistic meetings and workshops that are to be held in this cultural institution. This year the participants will find out how to solve a Rubik’s cube with eyes closed, will discover the arcana of scented soap manufacturing, knit hats and scarfs and improvise. The event programme planned for February 2-15 is available on the website: ; phone: 00 48 81 533 08 18.

Dom Słów [House of Words]
The programme of artistic and educational winter holidays in Dom Słów offers, among others, sightseeing of Izba Drukarstwa [Typography Chamber], Lublin Underground Route, Open Photographic Studio, as well as cartoon, literature design, paper manufacturing and tales workshops. These activities are designed for children at the age of 7-12 and will be held on February 2-6 at 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Cost: PLN 30 for the whole week. These are the first-come-first-served based activities. The parents are also invited to the workshops.

The programme for teenagers includes typographic, paper, cartoon, literature design, lithographic, creative writing, design-for-freedom and cropped-for-freedom workshops. It is designed for young people at the age of 12-17 and will be held on February 9-13 at 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Cost: PLN 30 for the whole week. These are the first-come-first-served based activities. Send your application to or call: 0048504449027.

Lublin Museum
Museum workshops for children and young people will be organised at the Lublin Castle, Józef Czechowicz Literary Museum and Lublin History Museum (Brama Krakowska) on February 3-14. The programme includes various motivating classes and multimedia displays. Winter holidays in the museum will terminate with a Belriguardo group performance in the Gallery of Polish Painting on February 14 at 10 a.m. Parents of the youngest participants may also take part in the classes. The participants should sign up in advance. Information available on the website:

Stowarzyszenie Działań Twórczych i Edukacyjnych im. A Budzyńskiej [A. Budzyńska Association for Creative and Educational Activities]

6-year-old children and older from the “Za Cukrownią” district will spend winter holidays with culture. The classes will be organised for 2 groups with 10 children each. Workshops (2 hours a day, Monday to Friday) include theatre workshops (discovering the work of actors, puppeteers, stage designers and prop masters) and dance workshops (contemporary dance and its styles: popping, locking, hip-hop, jazz).

Hans Christian Andersen Theatre

The theatre offers 5 days theatre and artistic workshops based on “the Fir-Tree” tale. During the meetings with theatre actors and instructors, the participants will take part in theatre activities and games. At the end of each day, the students will create their artistic works which will be exhibited in the theatre building. Dates: Group I: February 2-6 (Monday-Friday) 10.30 a.m.-12 p.m., cost: PLN 50; Group II: February 9-13 (Monday-Friday) 10.30 a.m.-12 p.m., cost: PLN 50. The workshops are addressed to children at the age of 7-11. Information and registration: Dział Organizacji Widowni Teatru Andersena, ul. Dominikańska 1, Lublin (Thursday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.), phone: 0048 81 532 32 25, phone: 0048 502 663 873, e-mail: , or online:

Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. H. Łopacińskiego in Lublin [Hieronim Łopaciński Public Municipal Library]
Winter holidays programmes will be prepared by all public libraries excluding hospital ones. Students may participate for free. The detailed schedule will be available in libraries and on the MBP website:

Additionally, “Winter in the City 2015” Campaign will also take place in Przyjaźni Residential Club in Tatary district, ul. Przyjaźni 13, in Ruta Residential Club at ul. Różana 8, Źródło Residential Club at ul. Samsonowicza 25, and Odeon Residential Club at ul. Nadbystrzycka 11 in Lublin.

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