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Medical University of Lublin

Medical University of Lublin
Name: Medical University of Lublin
Address: Al. Racławickie 1, 20-059 Lublin
Telephone: +48 81 528 84 00

The Medical University of Lublin features well-equipped, modern teaching rooms and laboratories, activities conducted with the use of attractive educational methods, and interesting internships with healthcare institutions. The MU has a modern and technologically advanced scientific equipment which enables research to be carried out in the field of targeted therapy of diseases of affluence at a level equal to that of prime foreign centres. The academic staff of the University are people who are not only outstanding specialists, but also have a passion for medicine. Studies at the Medical University include the process of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate education of physicians, dentists, teaching Master’s courses in pharmacy, medical analysis and nursing, and certified nurses. The University is currently educating almost 7,000 students. It is worth noting that for more than 10 years now, the Medical University of Lublin has also been offering studies in English for foreigners, and is currently hosting more than 800 students from all over the world using this system.

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