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The Church of Transfiguration of Jesus at the Metropolitan Seminary

The Church of Transfiguration of Jesus at the Metropolitan Seminary
Address: ul. Prymasa Stefana Wyszyńskiego 6
Place: Lublin
Post code: 20-950

The building, which now houses the seminary, was originally a Renaissance palace built at the beginning of the 17th century for Bernard Suchorabski. Around the middle of the 17th century, the north and south elevation of the palace was decorated with medallions containing the images of historical and legendary rulers of Poland as well as emblematic descriptions of their rule. The medallions arranged in a decorative frieze have been preserved to our times. In 1700 the estate was bought by the Congregation of Missionaries of St. Vincent de Paul, who came to Lublin to educate the clergy. In the years 1719-1730, the Baroque church of Transfiguration of the Lord was built next to the palace (transformed into a seminary). It took almost twenty years to furnish the interior of the church. High-class artists worked on the decor: Eliasz Hoffman, Sebastian Zeisel and Szymon Czechowicz, and the founder was Jan Tarło. Both the shape of the church and its interior have survived to our times almost unchanged, preserving the uniformity of style. Only the neo-Gothic chapel was added to the church in 19 th century, in which there is the iconostasis painted by Jerzy Nowosielski.

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