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Klonowic's Tenement House

Klonowic's Tenement House
Address: ul. Rynek 2
Place: Lublin
Post code: 20-111

The burgher house No. 2 was called the Klonowic’s house. At the end of the 16th century it was owned by the father-in-law of the poet, Jan Wiślicki. This is where Sebastian Fabian Klonowic, called Acernus, the councillor, mayor, poet and writer of Lublin, lived. Then, the owners of the house became the representatives of the Krokier family. They were the friends of Jan Kochanowski who came to Lublin from time to time. His tragedy The Dismissal of the Greek Envoys was staged here. Probably it is in this house where the poet ended his life. In 1785 the banker and merchant David Heyzler purchased the burgher house along with the neighbouring house and the burgher house at Olejna Street. Distinguished in service to Lublin, he received a title of nobility and his own coat of arms Szyna at the Parliamentary session in 1790. The new owner reconstructed the building in the Classicist style.

The building received a five-axis monumental façade, wide hallway and arcaded courtyard. During the next renovation, the building was decorated with the sgraffito decoration, on which the painter Jan Wodyński immortalized Sebastian Klonowic, Jan Kochanowski, Wincenty Pol and Biernat from Lublin who were connected with the city.

In the 80s a general renovation of the burgher house was carried out, then in 2001 and 2006 the facade of the building and the sgraffito decoration were renovated.

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