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Museum of Antique Books and Religious Art - temporarily closed

Museum of Antique Books and Religious Art - temporarily closed
Address: ul. Prymasa Stefana Kardynała Wyszyńskiego 6
Place: Lublin
Post code: 20-950

The museum remains closed to visitors until further notice.

The Museum of Antique Books and Religious Art (Muzeum Starodruków i Sztuki Sakralnej) was created at the Metropolitan Seminary in Lublin within the “Renovation of the Post-Missionary Complex at 6 Kard. Stefana Wyszyńskiego Street in Lublin” project. The primary mission of the museum is to present the rich book collection gathered by the library over a period of 300 years, created upon the arrival of priests from Congregation of the Mission in our city. It was here that the manuscripts, incunables and ancient books forming the core of the exhibition, thematically connected with the Holy Communion, were displayed for the first time.

The collection also includes works of art present in the Eastern and Western rites – paintings, sculptures, meticulously embroidered liturgical vestments, as well as goblets, monstrances and candle holders. The oldest and the most valuable exhibit is the Mass Book of Kraśnika from 1400 - an example of the writing of the Order of Canons Regular at the Corpus Christi Church in Cracow

The collection also includes some of the oldest copies of the Bible, e.g. the incunable Bible published in 1478 in Nurnberg, Germany, the Hebrew and Latin Bible published in 1609 in Antwerp, Belgium, the New Testament published in 1679 in Lvov in Old Church Slavonic language, a large Psalter from 1732 printed in Venice, as well as other valuable ancient books.

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