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ABC Internetu

The Municipal Public Library and the Orange Foundation invite you to a free training on computers and Internet technology, The ABC of the Internet, prepared and run by volunteers from the Orange Foundation.
The programme of the training will include:
- the basics of computer and internet: the participants will learn how to use a computer and surf the Internet; - the basics of electronic mail: the participants will learn how to contact their families and friends by email; - the basics of YouTube: the participants will learn how to look for information, find their favourite songs or clips, and develop their interests. For more information and registration, contact us by phone at: 81 466 62 53 or 81 466 62 90. Orientation meeting: 25 May 2015, Library Branch No. 29 (ul. Kiepury 5, Lublin) Dates of classes: 8, 15, 22, 29 June 2015

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