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Art Lessons

The Culture Workshops in Lublin invite schools to take part in an educational programme for primary school pupils (Forms 1-4). The objective is to develop creative thinking and imagination of pupils as well as to introduce them to fundamental art concepts. During the classes, pupils will have an opportunity to get familiar with works of famous artists; they will also be given a chance to make their own works guided by artists and art historians from Lublin. Z Altamiry do Afryki –o zwierzętach w malarstwie / From Altamira to Africa, or on animals in painting October 24, 10.30 AM Instructor: Zuzanna Zubek – Gańska Children will follow through ways of presenting animals over the centuries, from the Lascoux cave paintings, and African painting of Edward Saidi Tingatinga, to well-known illustrations by Józef Wilkoń. Using professional easels, children will be given the task to prepare their own galleries of wild and fanciful animals. Cała prawda o księżniczkach – moda w sztuce / The whole truth about princesses, or fashion in art October 29, 10.30 AM Instructor: Zuzanna Zubek – Gańska The workshop will deal with the topic of childre’s wear over the centuries based on examples from European and Polish paintings. Examining outfits portrayed in these works, children will try to guess customs, plays and everyday duties of children who lived at those times. Inspired by beautiful dresses of Velazquez’s Infantas, children will try to create colourful creations on their own. Piasek / Sand November 7, 11.00 AM Instructor: Tomasz Maped Pizoń Children will discover a new and surprising potential for using sand they know from a sandbox. The class will begin with a short description of what sand is made of; then ways of its arts applications in various cultures will be presented. Examining sand under the microscope, children will discover the variety of sand grains, their colour and crystalline structure. Simple experiments, these discoveries are supposed to inspire children to create their own crystalline structures. Mandalabirynt / Mandalabirynth November 8, 11.00 AM Instructor: Tomasz Maped Pizoń Mandalabirynth is a meeting that will introduce children to the techniques of making mandalas and sand painting. Children will watch short clips on how to make beautiful pictures by sand painting. They will make their own mandalas and other sand-made pictures. They will also learn concepts such as manadala, visualization, nature art and microscope.   Dlaczego Picasso malował dziwolągi? / Why did Picasso paint curosities? November 14, 10.00 AM Instructor: Luiza Fijałkowska The workshop will be devoted to revolutions in art that turned the existing rules upside down. Children will become familiar with the work of Picasso and the concept of cubism in painting. They will try to paint a cubist portrait and “finish” a work of the master. Moja impresja / My own impressionist painting November 14, 12.30 PM Instructor: Luiza Fijałkowska The workshop will make children familiar with the revolution made by the Impressionists and about the effect of scientific and technological inventions on art. They will discover a raster, the colour of shade and ways in which a human eye sees adjacent colourful spots. Using point-wise basic colours, they will create their own impressionist paintings. Pismo obrazkowe, czyli podstawy komunikacji wizualnej / Picture-writing, or on the fundamentals of visual communication November 21, 28, 11.00 AM Instructor: Jarosław Koziara Pictogrammes as a form of universal communication in public space – how to create them and how to read them. Children will have the task of inventing a brief visual form for communicating a message that will be clear to all. Czy ilustracja jest książce potrzebna? / Do books need illustrations? December 5, 11.00 AM Instructor: Krystyna Rybicka The class objective is to introduce young people to the role of illustrations in a book, explaining the relations between text and book’s graphic layout. Pupils will learn about the most outstanding authors of illustrations for children's books. Also, using selected poems by Jan Brzechwa and Wanda Chotomska, they will illustrate one day of a week.   Czy sztuka może być abstrakcyjna? / Can art be abstract? December 12, 11.00 AM Instructor: Krystyna Rybicka Why do we paint? What do we want to see in a painting? What is the role of composition, contour, colour? Is anecdote necessary in a painting? This workshop will make children familiar with the difference between figurative and abstract painting; they will also be given a difficult task to paint silence, happiness or fatigue. Venue: Culture Workshops in Lublin (ul. Grodzka 5a) Registration for school groups: phone: 81 533 08 18, e-mail: The programme is for organized groups only. Participation in the workshops is free of charge. In exceptional cases class dates can be scheduled on a individual basis.

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