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"Bajki na ścianie" (Stories on the Wall)

"Bajki na ścianie" (Stories on the Wall)

"5Medium" Foundation and Academic Culture Centre "Chatka Żaka" would like to invite the youngest audience to take part in a "Bajki na ścianie"/‘Stories on the Wall’ project.
"Bajki na ścianie" is a cycle of meetings for preschoolers who, along with our volunteers, read short bedtime stories from slides projected on a wall with projector ‘Ania’. Inspired by the stories, the children take part in art classes after the show. The project is aimed at groups of 10-15 children aged 5 or 6. Choice of workshops: 1. "Mali ilustratorzy" (Young Illustrators) Creating film stock. Children will make a concertina book formed form the frames from one of the stories. 2. "Film inaczej" (Film Differently) Creating film. Children inspired by the stories they have seen will create a film, where frames are painted with sand and light. Participation in the workshops is free of charge. The workshops are held every Wednesday from 9:00 am at Academic Culture Centre "Chatka Żaka". Advanced booking is required. Booking at: or tel.: 514 181 921

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