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Become a Juror!

Become a Juror!

What is it all about? We are looking for individuals who are really passionate about the cinema. In other words, we are looking for a "perfect audience." We will select five individuals who will become the jurors with the Full Length Film Festival. The Jurors will watch all films entered for the competition and present the award for best film. They will also be financially rewarded for their work. Who are we looking for? We are looking for individuals who love the cinema, particularly ambitious, auteur and independent films that are hardly ever screened at multiplexes. The candidates should consider the cinema to be more like a conversation rather than entertainment. They should like talking about films and know how to write about them. Responsibilities of the Jury: The jurors will be obliged to: - watch all competition entries; - deliver (as the Jury) a verdict for Best Full Length Film 2014 and be able to justify it; - be present at announcing the verdict at the closing ceremony of the Full Length Film Festival and to support their decision in an open debate with the audience. How to become a Juror? Send us a motivational email to: Number of characters: one page, maximum 3500 characters. Subject line: Zrób furorę i zostań jurorem Your email should convince us that you are really passionate about the cinema and that we should choose YOU to join the Jury. Do not forget to give your phone number. Deadline for applications: 31 October 2014

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