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Become MediaTrainer in Münster

Become MediaTrainer in Münster

The “Nowy Staw” Foundation announces a call for applications for a media training course in Münster, Germany.
The training will cover issues such as online transmission, cross media and media trainer competencies. Project participants will include young journalists, voluntaries and youth workers involved with non-governmental organizations who are engaged in work with young people at schools, universities and in civic media.
The 8-day training will be held September 30 - October 8 at the professionally equipped Citizens Media Center Bennohaus in Münster. The training is intended for individuals with video production skills who wish to attain media trainer skills. Participants will come from Germany, Poland, Denmark, Romania, Spain, Great Britain and Finland. Where: Münster, Germany When: Sept. 30 – Oct. 8, 2013 How much: 50% of travel expenses The organizers provide accommodation and board. Completed application forms should be sent by September 20 to:

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