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Calligraphy Workshop

Calligraphy Workshop

The LSM Community Centre will begin a series of calligraphy classes
to promote the art of beautiful writing (school handwriting according to the English cursive handwriting). Calligraphy exercises help students develop their talents and imagination, shape the sense of aesthetics and improve powers of observation.
Calligraphy classes approach this elementary school skill in two ways: students struggling with disgraphia are helped understand the writing phenomenon, they are shown their mistakes and presented with new solutions to make their handwriting more legible, while more talented students can improve concentration, their powers of observation and manual precision as well as acquire knowledge of history and develop their arts skills. Workshop participants will learn how to write with a quill, bamboo, lime stick and various kinds of nibs. They will also have an opportunity to touch real parchment paper. Students participating in the workshop will get to know the history of writing, practise for competitions or prepare materials for classroom newsletters. The workshop is not a series, so you can join it at any moment. There is no age limit because participants work on their own, doing different calligraphy exercises under the guidance of a trained calligraphy teacher depending on the effect they want to achieve. In addition to that, students who decide to participate in the calligraphy workshop will broaden and revise their knowledge of Polish (idiomatic expressions, proverbs, hand-copying of poems), orthography (spelling of difficult words), fine arts (names of arts techniques), history (historic background of every typeface), design technology (hand-made invitation and holiday cards, producing handmade paper, ink and wax seals), religious studies (cultural consciousness, holy scriptures handwriting, the earliest examples of religious writing). The calligraphy workshop will be conducted by Ms. Renata Horbaczewska, a trained Polish language teacher, member of the Polish Calligraphy Association and representative of the Krakow School of Calligraphy in Lublin. Children and teens who want to embark on a calligraphy adventure will be particularly welcome to the classes. You can sign up for the workshop at the front office of the LSM Community Centre.

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