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Cyber Academy

Cyber Academy (Cyber Akademia)is an international project held as part of the preparations for European City of Culture Wrocław 2016, the objective of which is the development of competence of both Polish and foreign cultural sector staff with regard to mass media and information. The idea of the project is to make the creators of cultural life, marketing and PR directors aware users of new media and new repositories of information, so that they could create new quality contents thereby. Project participants will master their competence, which will allow the mass media to play an active role in bringing about changes and affecting reality. Participants in the project will take part in two mini-residencies in Wrocław (five days each), participating at the same time in cultural events, trainings and workshops. Link to the project description: WE ARE LOOKING FOR young (under 35) bloggers, radio journalists, PR managers, culture promoters, marketing and culture managers, art critics and press journalists. To be eligible for the project, participants must have some proven track record (publications, internet website, portfolio). Participants must also be fluent in English, both written and oral. The project mentors are journalist and editor Edwin Bendyk and Piotr Celiński, Ph.D. (Maria Curie Skłodowska University, Lublin). [b[GENERAL RULES: We provide accommodation, full board, and an opportunity to work in an international team during two editions of the project. The project team will include 4 participants from the Coalition of Cities, 2 participants from Spain, 3 participants from Ukraine, 2 participants from Germany, 1 participant from the Czech Republic, 1 participant from France and 5 participants from Wrocław. The project is co-financed from funds of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. To learn more about the project, contact Ms. Karolina Marciniak: , phone: 508492009

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