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Discover Your Slavic Blood with the Jawor Folk Ensemble

Discover Your Slavic Blood with the Jawor Folk Ensemble

University of Life Science’s Jawor Folk Ensemble is now recruiting new members to the dance group and the band. Students, secondary school students as well as those who would like to live unforgettable moments with the Jawor Ensemble are welcome to apply. The Jawor Folk Ensemble is an active participant in the cultural life of the Lublin region and its promoter abroad. It has performed at festivals in numerous countries, including Turkey, Finland, Spain, Columbia, Peru, Ecuador, New Zealand and China. A member of CIOFF’s Polish section, the ensemble keeps Polish traditions alive, gives charity concerts and supports numerous folklore-related initiatives. Being a member of the Jawor Folk Ensemble means passion, fun, unforgettable memories and a way of life. We invite both those who are passionate about folk culture and those who want to get to know it. The recruitment will be held on February 27 at 7.30 pm, at Hall A Agro, University of Life Sciences, ul. Akademicka 13.

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