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Electronic Instrument Building workshop

Electronic Instrument Building workshop

Electronic Instrument Building workshop with Maciej Wojnicki (Fab Lab, Mananasoko)
February 18th – 19th (Wed-Thu) 2015, 5–8.30p.m. Sala Rozdroży 1 (Centre for Culture, 1st floor) 12 Peowiaków Street, Lublin Participation fee: PLN 40 During the workshop, participants will learn the basics of electronics and build their own synthesizer. If you are interested in sounds (you don’t necessarily have to be a musician), you will learn how resistors, capacitors and integrated circuits work and you will be surprised at how quickly you'll be able to assemble them into something that works! Each participant will build their own, fully complete instrument which can be taken home. The workshop is designed for beginners. No knowledge or experience in electronics is necessary. We will not be soldering anything. Maciej Wojnicki An author of interactive installations and applications based on free software and open hardware tools. He works on the border between art, design, technology and DIY and conducts workshops on the creative use of programming skills and electronics. Wojnicki is an initiator and one of the founders of Fab Lab Trójmiasto - Poland's first open studio of rapid prototyping and digital fabrication. As Mananasoko he creates music based on improvisation and instruments of his own design. Important! The number of participants is limited, so registration is required. To register, please send an email to the following address: The registration deadline is Feb 13th. ORGANIZER: EXPERIMENTAL MUSIC SCENE / Centre for Intercultural Creative Initiatives “Crossroads” 12 Peowiaków Street, 20-007 Lublin, Poland

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