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End of the year at Narnia Centre

End of the year at Narnia Centre

The “Narnia” Cultural Centre announces another series of classes held as part of the programme “End of the year at Narnia.” Children, teen and seniors can sign up for the classes until the end of December.
CLASSES FOR CHILDREN SPELLING GAME 11 December 2014 (Thursday): 4 PM - 6 PM (Narnia Cultural Centre, ul. Lwowska 12) The aim of the classes is to develop in children a passion for books, booklets and illustrations. Children will read, write, paint, draw, get dirty, smile, jump and invent trifles and pieces of wisdom. They will discover or create their favourite words for each letter of the alphabet. Literature will provide children with a pretext for creating along with carefree fun as well as serious deliberations. Instructor: Katarzyna Krzywicka TAMING OF A REINDEER 19 December 2014 (Friday): 4 PM - 6 PM (Narnia Cultural Centre, ul. Lwowska 12) First, the children will get to know one another passing a shaman’s rattle from one to another. We will then talk about best Christmas presents, focusing the children’s attention on more profound values connected with Christmas and Christmas wishes, the joy of being together and celebrating it together. Next, we will play a relaxation game based on visualization. With their eyes closed, the children will listen to the sounds made by the woods, environment, bells and Tibetan singing bowls. The children will open their eyes for a moment to listen to a Reindeer tell a story about letters that can make wishes come true. The Reindeer will then leave a cardboard reindeers and materials for making envelopes and vanish. The letters can be hanged on the Reindeer's horns every year. They have supernatural powers. Instructor: Sylwia Janasz CLASSES FOR TEENS LET’S IMPRO 20 December 2014 (Saturday): 11:30 AM -1:30 PM (Narnia Cultural Centre, ul. Lwowska 12) On this day you can become whoever you want – a doctor, an actor, an elderly woman or a ski jumping world champion. On this day you can do anything! Just come to the class and try your hand at improvisation techniques. Who knows? Maybe this single class will mark the beginning of something beautiful? Maybe you will discover you want to be a painter, even though you have always wanted to become a writer? Or maybe you will decide to stay longer and help us set up a theatre group? The class can be the beginning of something great. Instructor: Małgorzata Adamczyk STREET DANCE 20 December 2014 (Saturday): 2 PM – 4 PM (Narnia Cultural Centre, ul. Lwowska 12) Street dance is mainly about originality and individuality, as each an every dancer creates his or her won unique style interpreting previously trained sequences in his or her own way. Usually they do not follow the rules strictly. Besides a few basic steps, the participants will also learn the techniques of isolation, lightness and fluidity. Instructor: Patrycja Błaziak SMALL SEWING PROJECTS 20 December 2014 (Saturday): 12 PM – 2 PM (Narnia Cultural Centre, ul. Lwowska 12) In this hand sewing course, beginners will learn how to sew while advanced participants will rediscover this technique. We will teach you how to sew hearts, starts, fishes, serpents and other creatures. We will show you step by step how to design, cut out, trim and stuff textiles. Since the trimming and combination of textiles is limited by nothing but imagination, you can come to the class with your own ideas or tell us about the things you have seen and liked and now want us to help you create something unique. Instructors: Agata Sztorc and Aneta Winiarska CLASSES FOR SENIORS BOARD GAMES FOR SENIORS Mondays: 4:30 PM – 6 PM (Narnia Cultural Centre, ul. Lwowska 12) To think, you have to play! Board games offer many advantages. Playing them, we can enjoy a "moment of oblivion.” They develop knowledge, personality and keep our grey matter alive. They help us improve concentration and knowledge acquisition. In addition, they develop visual and physical coordination. Board games are an intellectual pastime combined with a substantial dose of laughter and fun. Instructor: Maciej Kwiatek BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS CLASS Tuesdays: 3:30 PM – 5 PM (Narnia Cultural Centre, ul. Lwowska 12) The course is for individuals who are 50 or older and scared of computers. If you would like to learn something about computers, the Internet, Facebook or email – just sign up and come! Instructor: Barbara Figura GENERAL FITNESS EXERCISES Wednesdays: 3:30 PM – 5 PM (Narnia Cultural Centre, ul. Lwowska 12) The exercises focus on prevention and correction of spinal defects. Their develop general muscle strength, suppleness and springiness. Combined with motoric tasks, they help improve physical fitness as well as overcome fear and unwillingness of doing more difficult exercises. Instructor: Grzegorz Olifirowicz To sign up for the classes or get more information, send an email to: or phone: 513 301 115 

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