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EPIcenter of Theatre Techniques

EPIcenter of Theatre Techniques

The recruitment for the second edition of workshops at the EPIcenter of Theatre Techniques. Classes will be held at the “Chatka Żaka” Academic Centre for Culture (ul . Radziszewskiego 16), on the premises of the Media and Arts Incubator. Monday 5.00 PM – 7.30 PM Wednesday 6.00 PM – 8.30 PM Monthly fee (4 meetings a month): Standard Pass PLN 150, Reduced Pass (pupils, students) PLN 80 To sign up for the classes, send an email to: or phone: 503 587 993. Classes will be conducted by: Przemysław Buksiński a certified actor, improvisational theatre techniques trainer, university lecturer and master of ceremonies. The winner of the Best Actor Award at the Talia 2013 National Comedy Festival in Tarnów, he collaborates, among others, with the InVitro Theatre, Hans Christian Andersen Theatre, Pinokio Theatre in Łódź. He is the founder and leader of the No Potatoes Improv Theatre. Buksiński is also the founder and artistic director of the EPIcenter of Theatre Techniques. Actors of the Lublin–based No Potatoes Improv Theatre. EPIcenter of Theatre Techniques. EPI, or experimental play improv, is a programme based on improvisational theatre techniques intended for those who wish to improve their communication skills. What is Impro about? Impro teaches you to both understand and create drama structure of a performance; it shapes your personality, develops imagination, stimulates creative thinking, facilitates group integration as well as teaches cooperation and perseverance. Modern improvisational theatre techniques trace back their origins to the 1950s and classes led by Viola Spolin (American School) and Keith Johnstone (British School). Devoid of props, costumes, scenery, scenario or director, yet full of spontaneity and humour, the improvisational theatre has ever since been gaining more and more popularity all over the world. Who is Impro for? Improvisational theatre works well with both young drama school graduates and professional actors. Also, it is a fantastic practice opportunity for those who wish to work on their internal and external communication. Theatrical improvisation is an efficient tool for developing imagination and creativity, improving communication skills and problem solving abilities, and , most of all, it helps build up your personality within a group. Last but not least, it is a great fun, too. Benefits of Impro: The fundamental skills and abilities essential at an improvisational theatre as well as in work environment and everyday life that can be developed through these techniques include: * ability to establish and improve interpersonal relations in a group, * spontaneity, * ability to take offers, * listening and conscious reception of information from the surrounding environment, * ability to tell stories, * non-verbal communication, * assertiveness, * concentration, * ability to take right decisions and obvious choices, * ability to use offers in a creative way, * organization of verbal expression, * ability to put facts together.

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