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European College of Culture

European College of Culture

François Matarasso Lecture: The Parliament of Dreams: Why everything depends on culture

Date:November 29, 2010, 5 p.m. Place: Faculty of Political Science Maria Curie - Sklodowska University (Litewski Square 3) "These days, everybody loves democracy; and democracies, it seems, love culture. Their citizens invest more public and private funds – and more of their personal cash and time – into culture than ever. They also invest hope that doing so will make them happier or wealthier, more civilised or more secure. Lacking other remedies, they look to culture to solve the complex problems of 21st century societies. This growing recognition of culture raises some critical questions. Why is it so important? Is being important the same as being good? Why and how should democratic governments get involved in culture? What does it mean to say that access to culture is a human right? Existing approaches to cultural policy, rooted in 19th century ideas of art and 20th century models of management, look less and less appropriate for today’s diverse and changing societies. Rather than promoting a one-way cultural offer, democratic states would be wiser to see culture as a space of dialogue and negotiation where the quality of interaction is a critical test of value. How something is said is what it means. Because culture is intrinsic to human experience, identity and growth it is also intrinsic to democracy: it is the parliament of dreams." The European College of Culture is an initiative within the Lublin European of Culture 2016 Candidate project. With our experts, Dragan Klaic, Rose Fenton and Krzysztof Czyżewski, we are preparing a series of lectures, open meetings, and workshops taught by European experts in the field of culture. The aim of the European College of Culture is raising the awareness, improving quality, and gaining competence. It is a unique occasion for everyone working in the field of culture, both professional and amateurs, to meet and share their experiences. The project come up to the expectations, as far as establishments of international contacts, evaluation of local activities in the European context, and introducing Lublin to the European culture is concerned. Our main aim is to establish and strengthen cooperation with culture operators from Europe, not only the Member States, and to generate interest in Lublin. We want Lublin to enter a lively dialogue on important issues, show empathy towards the other, and to be effective. We have already attracted various well-known persons to Lublin. The lecture and workshops by Dragan Klaic was the opening of the European College of Culture - lecture : European Capital of Culture - Aspirations, achievements, unfulfilled hopes a critical analysis of the program in the years 1985-2010 In March Krzysztof Czyżewski had a lecture: Magician of the East. Lublin as European Capital of Culture April: John Tusa - lecture: Developing the Role of Arts Centre Today and Shewach Weiss - lecture: Intercultural Lublin. Tradition and chance for Future May: Julia Rowntree Workshops: Changing the performance: building collaboration to unlock support and funds for the arts and new possibilities for the city and lecture: Building civic partnerships for the arts: inspiring cross-sector collaboration to unlock support and funds Steve Austen workshops: Models for innovative entrepeneurship in arts and culture and lecture: The changing environment for Arts and Cultural organisations in Europe, dilemma's, questions and answers June: John Ashford workshops and lecture: Why Dance? September: Dennis Rodwell “Visual Integrity in Historic Cities versus Economic Development” October: Rose Fenton - wykład "Key cultural events as crucial elements of cultural strategy development" In the forthcoming months there will be regular visits of various guests. The European College of Culture enables artist and culture operators from Lublin to participate in international networks of cooperation, like Aerowaves, IETM (International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts).

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