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Flats of Poetry: A Call for Proposals

Flats of Poetry: A Call for Proposals

Open up to poetry and send your proposal for the Flats of Poetry initiative!
Become a collaborator-animator of Lublin’s City of Poetry Literary Festival and host a poetry meeting at your, your friends’, your family’s or your neighbour’s place! What is it? ”Flats of Poetry” is an initiative that provides an opportunity for every individual to hold an event aimed at promoting literature (predominantly, poetry) in private homes. It is the only such initiative in Poland and maybe in the world. Who is it for? No matter whether you are interested in poetry or whether you read your first poem ever only yesterday; whether you are 18 or 80 years old. If you are open to new challenges and would like to do something different form what you have done so far, just send your proposal and help organize the City of Poetry Literary Festival in Lublin. How? You can do it in a number of ways. You can read poems of your favourite poet to a group of your friends. You can organize a meeting with an invited poet. You can create your own poems using words cut out from newspapers. You can organize a film screening or a mini concert to poetry-reading. You can also hold a small happening in your home. The limit is nothing but your imagination! When? The “Flats of Poetry" initiative will be held on 25-30 May 2015. The addresses of all flats holding poetry meetings will be put down in the City of Poetry’s Address Book. The deadline for submissions is 24 April 2015. All queries and proposals must be sent to: The most interesting proposals will be given financial support.

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