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Gieysztor Award

Gieysztor Award

Nominations for the Professor Aleksander Gieysztor Award can be submitted by October 20, 2013. The Gieysztor Award is granted for outstanding achievements in the protection of Polish cultural heritage in the following fields: activities related to the work of museums, archives and libraries as well as monument conservation work; the preservation and protection of Polish cultural heritage abroad; local government projects aimed at the protection of cultural heritage; individual and collective initiatives aimed at collecting and protecting traces and remnants of cultural heritage; increasing awareness of the need and methods for protecting cultural heritage in Poland. The Gieysztor Award, which amounts to PLN 50,000, is generally considered the most prestigious token of recognition in this field. This purpose of the award is to promote and support individuals who undertake activities to protect Polish cultural heritage both in Poland and abroad. Nominations for the Gieysztor Award are submitted by members of the Award Committee, past winners of the award as well as state, self-government and NGO cultural institutions. The winner is selected by the Award Committee chaired by Prof. Andrzej Rottermund and composed of Council and Board Members of the Leopold Kronenberg Foundation. For application form and further information go to: → Ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego → Nagroda im. Profesora Aleksandra Gieysztora.

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