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Grand Media Education Tournament

Grand Media Education Tournament

The 5th Medium Foundation invites secondary school students to register for the Grand Media Education Tournament, or a duel in skills, creativity and knowledge. The tournament is organized by the Modern Poland Foundation. The Lublin-based 5th Medium Foundation is a contents partner in this project. Registrations for the Grand Media Education Tournament are open October 7 through November 4, 2013. Organized by the Modern Poland Foundation, this competition is intended for students from secondary schools of all types, willing to test their skills and practical knowledge with regard to both traditional and modern media. The Grand Media Education Tournament will be held from November 2013 to April 2014. It will consist of three stages: an online test (November 21), a project to be done by each competitor on his/her own (January 13 through February 28, 2014), and final contests held in Warsaw (April 11-12, 2014). The prize is so attractive that it is worth competing for. Competitors must be registered by their minders: teachers, librarians or culture activity organizers, who must complete a registration form available at The website also contains information about the competition, its rules and schedule. The resources of l can be of great help when preparing for the tournament. The aim of the competition is to promote media and information education as well as to educate conscious users of new media, i.e. critical recipients of information who understand the media language. Such users create their image and establish relations in a well-thought-out manner. They observe ethical standards and care for their online security. Conscious users are creative and able to create messages using modern tools; they can process these messages and present effects of their work. They also recognize and understand legal and economic aspects of the media functioning. The Modern Poland Foundation wanted to organize an attractive and meaningful competition, that is why the competition collaborators include institutions that promote and develop media education in Poland, such as Bibliosfera, Collegium Civitas, Center for Civic Education, EBIB, Orange Foundation, Urban Culture Institute, Media DESK, 5th Medium Foundation and New Horizons of Film Education. The National Audiovisual Institute is an institutional partner of the project. For more information about the project contact: Dorota Górecka, project coordinator Modern Poland Foundation phone: 22 621 30 17 | email: The project is co-funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

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