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Let’s meet under a ”spider”

Let’s meet under a ”spider”

Lublin’s Cracow Gate has been infested with ”spiders”! Well, at least by a really big one. It was created by Tomasz Krajewski, a folk artist from the Lublin region, who will lead workshops at the Summer School of Making Spiders during the Jagiellonian Fair. 

There is no other country but Poland that has such a variety of rural household ceiling decorations. Among others, they include ”spiders,” or traditional folk interior decorations. Hung under the ceiling in the heart of a house, the spider was a symbol of abundance and happiness. It was also supposed to chase evil spirits away. Since household residents were forbidden to quarrel in its vicinity, the spider was also an informal guardian of household peace and harmony. People met, prayed and talked under these decorations.

A moving spider was regarded to bring the greatest luck and blessing for household residents, so take the opportunity at the Jagiellonian Fair to smile, greet others and dance under the spider in the Cracow Gate.

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