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Meeting History in the Wieniawa District

Meeting History in the Wieniawa District

The “Tu Obok” Foundation invites everyone to participate in the project titled "Spotkanie z historią na Wieniawie" (Meeting History in the Wieniawa District).
The last year’s ”Meeting History in the Wieniawa District” has left us hungry for more, highlighting the need for recording the history of our district. We wish to document the past of our little homeland and collect stories about people and places. Workshops held at the National Archives will show participants how to do it right. The plan is to have 3 meetings and a trip to a museum in Warsaw (October 17, 2013). All meetings start at 10 am; the trip will set off a bit earlier. As the project is partially funded by the Municipality of Lublin City, participation in all meetings is free of charge. Completed registration forms (in attachment) should be sent to: . Paper registration forms can be picked up and filled in at the “ Tu Obok” Foundation’s office or “MAbookTa” library and café (Popiełuszki 28H). Registration is open till Monday, September 30, 2013, 4 pm. The trip is for a limited number of participants only. For more information phone the foundation office: 609 123 409 or Marta Kurowska: 660 199 423, or send an e-mail to: . The project is partially funded by the Municipality of Lublin City.

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