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Mobile Learning Workshops

Mobile Learning Workshops

Electronics and robotics for nippers: electronics and robotics workshops using Arduino
A series of eight 50-minute long classes held every Saturday, starting October 26 through December 21 (except November 2), 11 AM, at the Spółdzielnia Library and Cafe (Peowiaków 11). The workshops are intended for children aged 7 – 12. They involve designing and building electronic and robotic systems and their programming. Participation in the workshops supports a holistic development of a child. The series of classes is divided into 3 educational stages: cognitive, structural and developmental. Equipped with their imagination and educational sets, children will be guided by the instructor to create extraordinary moving structures. First they will learn the logics of electronic systems, they will get to know the fundamentals of designing robots, and then they will build their own robots using the popular Arduino technology. Workshop fee: PLN 25 per class / PLN 200 per entire series Advance registration is required: Little detectives on the track of mysteries: criminology, chemistry and biotechnology workshops A series of eight 50-minute long classes held every Saturday, starting October 26 through December 21 (except November 2), 12 PM, at the Spółdzielnia Library and Cafe (Peowiaków 11). The workshops are intended for children aged 7-12. They involve performing interesting experiments from the field of criminology, chemistry and biotechnology. The classes form a consistent series, with children taking on roles of detectives to discover, among other, how to take fingerprints, detect blood marks, take genetic material or analyze DNA. The classes are divided into 3 educational stages: cognitive, experimental and developmental. Every experiment is first performed by the instructors and then repeated by children on their own. The class ends with a discussion about the experiment, and children are given the task to solve a criminal mystery. Workshop participants can take home some of the works made in class. Workshop fee: PLN 25 per class / PLN 200 per entire series Advance registration is required:

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