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Ośrodek Książki Obrazkowej / Picture Book Centre

Ośrodek Książki Obrazkowej / Picture Book Centre

Gallery 31 at the Hieronim Łopaciński Municipal Public Library in Lublin will seat a centre for the collection and promotion of original, experimental and children's picture books. The main task of the centre is to present the achievements of artists related to the art of book-making by: - organizing exhibitions of illustrations and lay-outs of picture books, presenting methods of work, - getting involved with the library-run educational programme for children and organization of drawing workshops led by the authors of exhibited works, - establishing a regular cooperation with students and academic teachers of numerous research centres (Academies of Fine Arts in Warsaw and Krakow, MCSU’s Arts Faculty, Library Science and Language Studies; Catholic University of Lublin's Faculty of Humanities), literature and art critics; - making the library’s archive resources available for scientific and research purposes. The centre will also undertake the preservation of old Polish books for children and foreign books published in the 19th and 20th centuries (the older, the more valuable they are), particularly of those likely to be removed from libraries due to their poor technical condition and graphic layout.

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