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Photography - introductory course

Photography - introductory course

If you are interested in photography and would like to learn the basics and better undesrand what photography is we have somethig for you.
"Chatka Żaka" and Lublin Branch of Association of Polish Art Photographers would like to offer you a course on photography.
The curse is taught by the members of Lublin branch of Association of Polish Art Photographers: Lucjan Demidowski, Henryk Kuś, Jan Magierski Time: February, March, April 2010. Deadline for signing up - February 14 Program: Lucjan Demidowski - Practice: Introduction to negative and positive processes. The participants will meet 4 hours a week (one meeting) for 3 months. will take place once a week. Henryk Kuś - Theory: elements of optics, composition, history an theory of photography. One lecture (1 - 1,5 h) once a month for three months. Jan Magierski - Theory: elements of photochemisty. Two lectures (1 - 1,5h) in February and March. The course lasts 55h price: 200zł/month per person Number of participants: 10 Contact: Anna Nowakowska, tel. 518 372 932, e-mail: The participants will exhibit their works during an exhibition (May/July) and they will receive diplomas.

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