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Recruitment: Adult Music Band

Recruitment: Adult Music Band

If you are at least 30 and have always dreamt of being onstage, singing or playing in a band - we can make your dream come true.
Join our adult music band. We are looking for people who can sing or play musical instruments. Guided by instructors, they will select a repertoire, arrange the pieces and work on performing them. After 5 months of joint work, the band will present their works to a public. Don’t hesitate, make your dreams come true right now! Just come. We are waiting for you! Instructors: Michał Lewartowicz and Martyna Śliwińska Dates and times: 6.02, 20.02, 6.03, 20.03, 3.04, 17.04, 15.05, 29.05, 5.06 (7.15 pm – 9.15 pm) Fee: PLN 30 per month. No advance registration required. Just come. For more information contact:

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