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Recruitment for volunteer work at the Festival of Traditional and Avant-garde Music “Codes”

Recruitment for volunteer work at the Festival of Traditional and Avant-garde Music “Codes”

We are now looking for young people interested in gaining experience in cultural activity. If you: - like traditional, avant-garde, classical, chamber or jazz music - know foreign languages - like spending your free time actively - would like to meet new people - are over 18 years old - have experience in organizing cultural events - and would like to help at Lublin’s new music festival “Codes” contact us at or tel. (081) 466 59 89. Festival of Traditional and Avant-garde Music “Codes” 21-23 May 2009, Lublin Organizer: Centre for Intercultural Creative Initiatives “Crossroads” ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 39 Lublin Tel. (081) 466 59 89

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