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Round Table Debates

Round Table Debates

The coordinators of the Art-Aktywator project, the Chatka Żaka Academic Centre for Culture and the MCSU Careers Service invite you to Round Table Debates that will be held in Lublin for the first time.
The nearest debate will be titled “Chances for the Development of Creative Industries Based on the Academic Potential of the Lublin Province.
The meeting will be held October 17, 11 am – 2 pm, at the Chatka Żaka Centre (Arts Patio; groundfloor, room on the left). Art-Aktywator, an innovative way of supporting artists on the job market, will be presented at the meeting, supplemented by sessions of round table debates on topics related to creative industries. The meeting will be moderated by Ms. Barbara Wybacz, Head of the Chatka Żaka Academic Centre for Culture. Individual round tables will be chaired by experts in fields such as PR, advertising, marketing, sales techniques for culture products. In addition to that, we invite you to an exhibition of works made by cultural studies graduates participating in the Art-Aktywator project. Participants are welcome to the meeting that will enable an exchange of ideas. Most of all, however, the meeting will provide representatives of culture and creative industry-related circles with a chance of getting to know one another better, establishing contacts or finding prospective collaborators. Due to logistical reasons, participation in the meeting must be confirmed by October 17 by phone/ fax: 81 532 25 52 or email: fundacja-

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