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Singing workshop with Adam Strug

Singing workshop with Adam Strug

A workshop on religious and secular songs from the Kurpie region conducted by Adam Strug will be held November 22-23, 2013. The workshop will be devoted to the songs and singing style from the Nowogród parish in the Kurpie region, on the southern side of the River Narew. The workshop programme includes both religious repertoire (songs from old songbooks and oral tradition) and secular songs (forest songs and ballads). The workshop is free of charge. For a limited number of participants only – advance registration required. For more information and registration, email: or phone: 513 097830. Classes will be held November 22 (Friday) at 5 pm – 9 pm and November 23 (Saturday) at 10 am – 2 pm. Adam Strug is a singer and instrumentalist, composer, lyricist and screenwriter. He performs both his own repertoire and Polish traditional songs. A researcher, collector, expert, propagator and, predominantly, practitioner of secular and religious singing from the Polish oral tradition. A founder of Monodia Polska singing ensemble, Strug has won numerous awards from singer/songwriter festivals and the folk music festival in Kazimierz Dolny.

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