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St Andrew's Night invitation

St Andrew's Night invitation

We'd like to invite you to a party we'll be having at Homo Faber on 25th November, start 7 p.m.
It's an old Polish tradition to celebrate St Andrew's Night (known as Andrzejki) on the night of 29/30th November. The celebrations are invariably accompanied by fortune telling games (e.g. dripping molten candlewax into a bowl of water and reading one's future from the shadow the resulting wax shape throws on the wall when held against light). We are throwing our party a bit earlier so that on the actual St Andrew's Night you can participate in whatever the city's numerous clubs have to offer. There will be lots of good music to dance to (you can bring your own music too; also, if you'd like to share with the others any of your countries' traditional dances you're very welcome to do so), snacks (if you feel like preparing something, feel free), fortune telling and generally lots of fun and games. If you have any questions, please contact me at

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