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Steve Austen - workshop

Steve Austen - workshop

The European College of Culture

would like to invite to a workshop by:

Steve Austen - Innovative Models of Culture Management

Venue: Homo-Faber Association, Krakowskie Przedmieście 39 When: June 1, 2010, from 10.00 to 17.00 To sign in, please contact Magda Linkowska or 081 466 37 22 Steve Austen is a well known and valued person among European artists and culture managers. He launched such initiatives as: the Shaffy (1968), the Festival of Fools/Théátre des Nations (1980), Gulliver (1987), the Arts Cannel ( 1988), the AMSU (Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University) (1989), Essay-International (1999), the Felix Meritis Foundation (1988). As the head of the Theatre Institute of the Netherlands in the years 1982-1988, he organized numerous festivals, films, TV programs, publications, magazines and exhibitions both in the Netherlands and abroad, like Berlin-Amsterdam/Amsterdam-Berlin in 1982/83 and La France aux Pays-Bas in 1985/86) Steve Austen cooperated in the organization of the European Capital of Culture event in Amsterdam in 1987. Among his initiatives was the establishment of an informal workgroup Gulliver, closely cooperating with Günter Grass. Now, the project is related to Felix Meritis Foundation initiated in 1987 and managed by Steve Austen . In 2001 he became a permanent member of the Foundation. The European College of Culture is an initiative within the Lublin European of Culture 2016 Candidate project. With our experts, Dragan Klaic, Rose Fenton and Krzysztof Czyżewski, we are preparing a series of lectures, open meetings, and workshops taught by European experts in the field of culture. The aim of the European College of Culture is raising the awareness, improving quality, and gaining competence.

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