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Summer Film Academy - Poster Contest

Summer Film Academy - Poster Contest

CinéEuropa Film Association announces a contest for the poster for the 10 Summer Film Academy in Zwierzyniec. Any natural person (students, artists, graphic designers) can take part in the competition. The aim of the competition is to create original designs in B1 format (1000 mm x 707 mm) promoting the 10 Summer Film Academy in Zierzyniec, which is to take part in 2009. RULES: 1.The project submitted cannot have been published before and cannot infringe any copyrights. 2.One person can submit more than one project. 3.The projects should be sent as JPG, PDF of size not bigger than 2MB; A4 format (297mm x 210 mm) to and to Stowarzyszenie Filmowe CinéEuropa, ul. Radziszewskiego 16 pok. 14, 20-031 Lublin, with the note PLAKAT 4.The prize-winning poster must be available on a 1:1 scale and 300 resolution as TIFF, PDF or PSD and in CMYK 5.The number of colors used in unlimited. Metallic colors should not be used. 6.The project should refer to the idea of the film series: “Destiny Trains” (a series concerning traveling, the magic of the rail and train stations) 7.The poster should include the following: name: 10. Letnia Akademia Filmowa venue: Zwierzyniec dates: August 7-16, 2009 website: 8.The winner is obliged to provide graphic elements (layers) to be used in the visual setting of the festival (psd, ai files) 9.Participating in the contest requires full acceptance of its rules. 10.The organizers reserve the right not to adjudicate, if the projects submitted do not meet the criteria. Criteria: The project’s compliance with the subject and the “atmosphere” of the festival, the quality of the graphic design and its marketing and promotional qualities. Jury: Piotr Kotowski – Artistic Director of the Festival Arnold Deć – Organizational Director of the Festival Bartłomiej Maron – graphic designer, visual artist Joanna Swacha – Marketing and Promotion Manager of the Summer Film Academy Deadlines: All projects should be submitted by April 15, 2009 and the adjudication is to take plece in May 2009. The results will be published on the website Prizes: The winning project will be used in visual setting of the 10 Summer Film Academy in Zwierzyniec. The wined also receives 1,500zł and the pass for the 10 Summer Film Academy. For more information please contact Joanna Swacha, tel. 606 312 268, (0-81) 533 32 01 ext. 150

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