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The Childhood The Neighbourhood

The Childhood The Neighbourhood

The Childhood The Neighbourhood is a virtual chronicle of Lublin
made of history, legends and stories which cannot be found in any book or guidebook.
Lublin is not only a city centre, but it’s also its districts and their special areas, unforgettable moments, events and encountered people. It’s personal stories rooted in different parts of the city. We’re taking you for a journey through the past and through the freshest events happening right here and right now. Share your stories which took place in the districts of Lublin and which are worth to be recorded due to their individual character with us and with the rest part of the world. We’re interested in everything: romances, crime stories, anecdotes, incredible, sentimental, inspiring and everyday stories… and in many more special events concerning Lublin which are rooted in its districts and which are worth sharing. You can phone us or write e-mails; we’re willing to meet with you in person too. The gathered stories will be published on our website (also translated into English) which will enable everybody to have a virtual walk through the districts of Lublin, and to meet with Lublin remembered by its inhabitants and people who are here even for a minute. The foundation invites everybody to join the The Childhood The Neighbourhood action realized with the financial help of the City of Lublin. You can phone us or write e-mails; we’re willing to meet with you in person too. E: T.: 519 122 799 Mailing address: Fundacja Sceny InVitro ul. Złota 4 20-112 Lublin With a note: „The Childhood The Neighbourhood”

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