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Workshop on Traditional Songs

Workshop on Traditional Songs

The Society for Nature and Man organizes a workshop on traditional singing dedicated to old songs from the Wielkopolska Province. Conducted by Barbara Wilińska, the workshop will include songs by Francisza Ciesiółka from Iłówiec near Kościan. Workshop dates: October 25 (Friday); 5 PM – 8 PM, October 26 (Saturday); 10 AM - 2 PM Accepted participants will be notified about the venue details. The workshop is free of charge, but registration is made on a first come, first served basis. For more information and registration email: or phone: 513 097830. The workshop is for women only. Previous music experience is not necessary, but participants should inform the organizers about any previous experiences in traditional singing. Barbara Wilińska was born in Poznań. She is a guitarist and psychologist by education, and a witch by nature. She used to teach how to play the guitar for more than decades, conducting at the same time her musical searches into medieval and traditional music, both at numerous workshops or during her visits to countryside singers. Since 2001 she has been conducting workshops on traditional songs and natural singing for children and adults, including regular workshops in Poznań. She is the founder of three ensembles performing Slavic traditional songs: Od Poznania, Charivari and Czarolija, all of them winners of numerous awards at festivals in Poland. As a soloist, she was awarded, among others, at the 3rd Slavic Song Festival in Poznan (2007) and the 45th Polish Festival of Folk Ensembles and Singers in Kazimierz. She is a singer and multi-instrumentalist (string instruments, hurdy-gurdy), a collector of medieval and traditional songs (secular, ritual and lyrical songs) and dance music. She gives performances as a solo artist or accompanied by other musicians (e.g. Jacek Mielcarek, Jacek Hałas) all over Poland. She co-founded the Dom Tańca. Poznań Association. In addition to that, she holds the title of chief calligrapher and has had an exhibition of her miniatures and calligraphy works. She co-directed two puppet shows: ”Gra o świętej Dorotce” (Play about Saint Dorothy) and ”W drodze do Santiago” (On the Way to Santiago).

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