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Workshop: The DIY Guide to Creating a Cultural Centre

Workshop: The DIY Guide to Creating a Cultural Centre

The workshop is intended for those who would like to create their own cultural centres.
Robert Blaško, the workshop instructor, will share his own experiences gained when establishing the Stanica Cultural Centre; the workshop programme also includes problems such as culture management, fundraising, effective communication with a target audience as well as audience development. Limited financial or material resources do not have to be an impediment to realizing even the most crazy projects. Workshop participants will focus on a model of operation called WE ARE INVE/S/N/TORS, which means that individuals wishing to create their own cultural centres put themselves in the role of investors and inventors at the same time. Lacking in financial resources, we can still invest our time, energy, ideas and passions into projects we find important. Robert Blaško was born in 1977 in Czechoslovakia. He is one of the co-founders and long-time associate of the Stanica Cultural Centre, where he has been working as “a manager, fund-raiser and as a whatever the life in such venue brings.” Duration: 4 hours Date: December 17, 12 pm – 4 pm Venue: New headquarters of the Cytadela Syriusza Fantasy Association and T.E.A.M Teatrikon Foundation (ul. Lwowska 12, Lublin) Form: workshop Language of Instruction: English Registration: participation in the workshop is FREE OF CHARGE. Advance registration required at

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