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Workshops: the Rudiments of Curator’s Work

Workshops: the Rudiments of Curator’s Work

The course is for students of humanities, social sciences and art as well as individuals who want to work as curators.
The course will be mainly held in form of workshops where course participants will have an opportunity to apply in practice the knowledge obtained from lectures as well as to learn tools that can be useful in curator's work.
Lectures will introduce participants to problems such as: -contemporary institutions of artistic life -art criticism -collections -exhibition practice -reception of contemporary art -mechanisms of contemporary art market. Practical classes will include: -curator workshops (conducted by experienced curators) -educational workshops where participants will learn how to prepare and run interesting art classes for children and teens -workshops on communication and marketing in culture where participants will learn about different art promotion tools and forms -workshops on writing about art (conducted by art critics). The classes will be held at weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) December through June at the Labirynt Gallery. They will end with an exhibition prepared by course participants and held at Labirynt Gallery. Deadline for registration: November 29, 2013 Course fee: PLN 490 To register, complete a registration form available at and send it by e-mail to or bring it in person to the Labirynt Gallery (Lublin, ul. ks. J. Popiełuszki 5; room 3).

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